Home In Your Region

In Your Region

The College has 10 geographical regions and 5 sub-regions. The regions function autonomously and have their own constitutions which align to the national College constitution.

Each of the regional chairpersons are part of the National Board (the governance body if the College) and have a key role in raising regional midwifery related issues at a national level and ensuring that items of national interest to midwifery are brought to the regions.

Each region organises its own meetings and other activities – click on your region to find out more.

Bay of Plenty/Tairawhiti
Canterbury/West Coast

The National Board representative for Te Taitokerau Northland can be found here

Welcome to the BOP/Tairawhiti region of the College

Our region is comprised of 5 separate areas-Rotorua and Taupo from Lakes DHB, Tauranga and Whakatane from Bay of Plenty DHB and Gisborne from Tairawhiti DHB.

We hold 5 regional meetings including the AGM each year-visiting the 5 regions and combining the meeting with an education and shared lunch.

See the chair persons details here

The National Board representative for the Nelson/Marlborough region can be found here

The National Board representative for the Otago region can be found here

The National Board representative for the Southland region can be found here