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 Midwifery staffing at the CCDHB

18th February, 2021

The College acknowledges that the CCDHB has been working hard to resolve these staffing concerns, and that it supports and values its midwifery workforce. However, the current acute short staffing is indicative of a wider national midwifery workforce shortage, related to general under -valuing of women’s health, and specifically, under-resourcing within midwifery; from the undergraduate education programme through to the midwifery workforce.

The College acknowledges and commends the Office of the Children’s Commissioner

23rd December, 2020

The New Zealand College of Midwives acknowledges and commends the Office of the Children’s Commissioner on the publication of Te Kuku O Te Manawa – Moe ararā! Haumanutia ngā moemoeā a ngā tūpuna mō te…

Intermittent auscultation for the assessment of intrapartum fetal wellbeing practice guidance

14th December, 2020

Two explanatory videos and a practice guidance document have been produced to support the Intermittent auscultation for the assessment of intrapartum fetal wellbeing guide for practice. In these videos, midwifery advisor Claire MacDonald and midwifery…

Latest guidance on COVID-19 testing for the health sector 16 November – 6 December

19th November, 2020

For the period 16 November – 6 December, we’ll continue to focus our testing efforts on testing all people with symptoms of COVID-19 in all regions. This includes a focus on testing: –       regions/groups that…

Clarification on updated testing advice from the MOH

20th October, 2020

The MoH has made a change to the guidance for community testing that has been extended until 01 Nov 2020. This impacts pregnant or recently pregnant women living in the Auckland region that covers the…

The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) has relaunched its awareness campaign

8th September, 2020

In November 2019 the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) will be changed the recommended starting age for cervical screening from 20 to 25 years. They have now relaunced their campaign to raise awareness of the…

Webinar: Emancipating Midwifery, reflecting on 30 years of midwifery autonomy

8th September, 2020

Legislation that led to the birth of New Zealand’s women-centered midwifery-led maternity system, was introduced with the passing of Nurses Amendment Act on 22nd August 1990. It was arguably one of the most significant milestones…

Helen Clark To Headline Webinar Celebrating 30 Years Since Law Change In NZ

2nd September, 2020

The Chief Executive of the New Zealand College of Midwives, Alison Eddy, says they are thrilled to be able to confirm the former PM in the line-up for a webinar celebrating a key change in our law thirty years ago.

Media Release: 30 Years Since Midwives Gained The Right To Practice Autonomously

21st August, 2020

Media Release                                                                                                                                      21 August 2020   30 Years Since Midwives Gained The Right To Practice Autonomously* Tomorrow (Saturday 22 August) Marks Anniversary “We felt we had little control over own bodies.” That’s how…