17th April, 2019
The latest Report on Maternity has been released by the Ministry of Health and the work of midwives continues to contribute to improving outcomes for New Zealand women and their babies.
14th April, 2019
Midwives employed by DHBs have voted overwhelmingly YES to a pay settlement.
The vote which closed on Friday 12thApril, will see a majority of members gaining increases of up to 17.5% from where they are now ($66,755 a year) to where they will be in August next year ($78,353 a year).
11th April, 2019
As a result of additional one-off funding becoming available, MMPO Locum Support in conjunction with NZ College of Midwives can offer a one-off increase to the number of locum days available to LMC midwives through…
9th April, 2019
Finally a breakthrough and positive outcome for employed midwives.
Around 1250 midwives employed by DHBs who are members of the midwives’ union, MERAS, are voting on a proposed settlement of their multi-employer collective agreement (MECA) that achieves much of what midwives have been fighting for.
19th March, 2019
As you will be aware Canterbury is currently experiencing a measles outbreak. The College continues to liaise with the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), Community and Public Health specialists about the specific measles outbreak in Canterbury. However we understand that midwives and women in other regions may have questions and concerns.
18th March, 2019
The College is deeply saddened, shocked and distressed by the targeted terrorist attacks on two Christchurch Mosques last Friday 15th March. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims and to the Muslim communities in Christchurch and throughout New Zealand.
15th March, 2019
Points of clarification for the Second midwife support supplement Claims for the Second midwife support supplement appear to be going well although the volume of second midwife claims has been lower than anticipated. The College…
14th March, 2019
The College is liaising very closely with the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), Community and Public Health specialists and of course our member midwives.
8th March, 2019
The New Zealand College of Midwives has a very simple message for its members and women around the country today, March 8th – you’re awesome and be kind to yourself.