Home Midwives Internship and Mentoring Midwifery First Year of Practice (MFYP)

Midwifery First Year of Practice (MFYP)

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The MFYP Programme is a compulsory national programme for all New Zealand registered midwifery graduates, irrespective of their work setting. The programme is Government funded for New Zealand trained graduates during their first year of practice.

The College is contracted by Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ), to provide the programme in accordance with the Programme Specification.

Programme Vision

‘New Zealand Midwifery graduates enthusiastically commence their careers in New Zealand:  well-supported, safe, skilled and confident in their practice; meeting the needs of maternity service consumers, providers and communities; and building a sustainable base for the New Zealand registered midwives workforce into the future’.

The funded programme is available for graduate midwives who have completed their midwifery education programme in New Zealand and who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Participants can be asked to provide evidence of residency.

International students scroll down for further information.

Other eligibility criteria all graduate midwives must meet are:

• holds a New Zealand midwifery degree awarded within 2 years of her programme commencement and on application of her APC must join the next available cohort

• holds a current New Zealand Annual Practicing Certificate throughout her programme duration

• working as a self-employed caseload midwife (Lead Maternity Carer, LMC) or as an employed core or caseload midwife. An LMC graduate midwife must be building a caseload on programme commencement and is expected to have a caseload of approximately 20 or more clients by programme completion. If a graduate midwife’s geographical location and/or the number of midwives in that region/area make it difficult for her to achieve this number, then additional midwifery practice could include acting as a second midwife, providing locum or backup for other LMC’s, and/or undertaking casual shifts at a maternity facility. The graduate midwife needs to keep accurate records of this work as it will be included in the practice requirement


• working as an employed graduate midwife is expected to be employed for 32 hours per week (0.8 FTE). Participation for a graduate midwife who is employed for less than 32 hours/week e.g. 0.6–0.8 FTE will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Any graduate midwife who does not meet all of the above eligibility criteria will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Mentors are asked to confirm (and provide evidence if requested), that they:

• have successfully completed the NZCOM workshop The Practicalities of Being a Mentor Midwife within the last three years if you have not mentored in that time

• are registered with the Midwifery Council of New Zealand (Midwifery Council) ‘in good standing’ and with no restrictions on registration that would negatively impact on her abilities to be a mentor

• to be a current member of The New Zealand College of Midwives

• have an Annual Practising Certificate with the Midwifery Council of New Zealand and practising throughout the graduate midwife’s programme duration

• have significant midwifery experience across the Midwifery Scope of Practice i.e. have practised as a midwife for at least five years, and if an employed midwife preferably at the level (or equivalent) of Leadership Domain within the Quality and Leadership Programme (as outlined in the Multi-Employer Collective Agreement, MECA)

• have met all the requirements of the Midwifery Council Recertification Programme over the previous three years and have completed at least one Midwifery Standards Review. If mentors have not been practising as a midwife in New Zealand over the three years prior to joining the (MFYP) programme (e.g. if previously working overseas or returning to practice from parental leave) you must confirm you are working towards Recertification Programme requirements

• have well established and collegial working relationships with midwifery and other health professional colleagues within the region in which you are both practicing

• are able to promote equity of outcomes for Maori and practice in a culturally safe manner with all consumer groups

• are willing and committed to supporting and encouraging a graduate midwife through your role as a mentor and to receiving feedback on your performance as a mentor

• are in a position to make the required time commitment e.g. reduction in caseload or employment FTE as necessary.

Click here for more information about your role as a mentor.

Australian trained midwives:

If you have completed your midwifery training in Australia and wish to practice during your first year in New Zealand, the Midwifery Council of New Zealand requires you to participate in the MFYP programme.

As the programme is Government funded for New Zealand trained midwives only, you will need to meet the costs of the programme yourself.

Please email the MFYP Administrator at mfyp@nzcom.org.nz for further information.

For registration requirements, please see the Midwifery Council of New Zealand website.

Other internationally trained midwives:

The Midwifery Council of New Zealand only accepts applications from internationally qualified new graduate midwives who have trained in Australia.

All other applicants must show at least two years of midwifery practice experience in the five years preceding their application.

Please see the Midwifery Council of New Zealand website for full registration details.

Midwifery Practice Support:

Midwifery Practice Support (MPS) was introduced in 2015. This is a fund that new graduates can access to get support in a clinical situation.

Click here for the eligibility criteria to be a MPS support midwife.


Mentor Midwife Pre-requisite Workshop ‘The Practicalities of Being a Mentor’

One of the MFYP mentor eligibility criteria required by Health Workforce New Zealand, is that mentor midwives must have completed the College’s preliminary mentoring workshop, The Practicalities of Being a Mentor’.

This one-day workshop has been designed to provide midwives with the opportunity to share and discuss their own experiences of being mentored or mentoring, and to explore the principles and practicalities of being a mentor.  It also helps clarify the differences between mentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision.  This workshop is not funded by the MFYP Programme.

Contact Us:

To email the MFYP Administrator click here or call 03 372 9737.