Home Midwives College roles and services

College roles and services


The College objectives are:

  • To purposefully and continuously develop and maintain a strong autonomous midwifery profession in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • To lead, promote and support partnership-based midwifery practice that conforms to the Code of Ethics and the Standards for Midwifery Practice.
  • To lead the development and maintenance of a quality assurance framework to improve maternity outcomes for women and families.
  • To advocate for the development and provision of services, policies and programmes that support the improvement of maternity outcomes and health status of women and their families/whānau .
  • To provide expert advice to government and other relevant agencies to strengthen and support the midwifery profession.
  • To advocate for, promote, and evaluate undergraduate and postgraduate education and provide continuing education for midwives.
  • To conduct, promote and disseminate relevant research which provides an evidence base for midwifery practice in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • To commit to upholding the articles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi by recognising Māori as Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa.
  • To build and maintain relationships with relevant national and international agencies to the benefit of midwifery in Aotearoa New Zealand, and to contribute to the global midwifery community.
  • To operate in an efficient and effective manner to the benefit of its members through the delivery of a comprehensive professional service to its members.

The College service provision includes:

for midwives

  • Individual or collective advice about midwifery practice, professional standards, working situations, ethical matters, interface issues for midwives in different services
  • Continuing education workshops
  • Professional indemnity insurance, legal advice and administration
  • Practice management/membership support
  • Library and reference resources

for Te Whatu Ora

  • Advice and consultation on the development of continuity of care and midwifery practice upholding the ICM/WHO Definition of the Midwife
  • Quality and Leadership Programmes

for consumers and community agencies

  • Nomination body for representation to statutory committees
  • Submissions on current maternity services and womens health issues
  • National primary maternity services (Section 94) and midwifery contracts for maternity services negotiations
  • Maternity service provider specification development
  • Regional and national consultation and input into health policy development with Te Whatu Ora, Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health and facility and health service providers
  • Professional representation in the health sector and to government agencies (particularly the Ministries of Health, Education, Social Development and Women’s Affairs), the Health and Disability Commissioner and women’s health consumer bodies
  • National and regional input and monitoring of midwifery educational curricula through polytechnics, universities and  Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu | Midwifery Council
  • Membership of the International Confederation of Midwives
  • Midwifery Standards Review Process for all midwives
  • Complaints Resolutions Committees for women
  • Data collection and interpretation of midwifery services, trends and statistics
  • Midwifery First Year of Practice Programme
  • The College’s ongoing education workshops/programmes
  • Education forums for midwifery educators and the profession
  • Biennial Conference
  • Midwives
  • Te Whatu Ora
  • Consumers/parent groups
  • Māori / Nga Maia
  • Government/ statutory bodies/ health organisations/non-governmental organisations in developing priorities and policies in maternity services
  • Midwifery education providers, Te Whatu Ora midwifery educators
  • Midwifery and Maternity Provider Organisation (MMPO)
  • Midwifery Employee Representation Advisory Service (MERAS)
  • New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) on midwifery employment issues
  • International Confederation of Midwives, World Health Organization, United Nations, other international midwifery organisations and consumer organisations and professional groups
  • Research collaboration, advice, liaison and promotion through the Joan Donley Midwifery Research Collaboration
  • Biennial Research Forum
  • The College clinical database reports
  • Research
  • Publication of a refereed journal (New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, published annually) and Midwife Aotearoa (published quarterly) to keep members informed and up to date
  • Conferences
  • Publications, promotional material
  • Media