22nd April, 2020
Midwives continue to fill the gaps where other services aren’t able to but still no extra funding – Newstalk ZB news this morning. Click here to listen
22nd April, 2020
College of Midwives Covid-19 Liaison, Canterbury Region – Catherine Rietveld talks to Radio New Zealand about the PPE midwives have had to buy, the additional work midwives are doing and the extra hours they are…
21st April, 2020
The New Zealand College of Midwives has sent a strong message to the Government on behalf of community-based midwives.
21st April, 2020
Click here to view video message to Politicians on behalf of Community Midwives
8th April, 2020
“We are pleased to note that the document acknowledges that clinicians involved in care, can and will use appropriate clinical judgement on PPE required, and should have access to PPE for all births,” says Alison Eddy
7th April, 2020
This year’s World Health Day falls on April 7 during a time global health services are under extreme stress due to the Covid-19 pandemic. https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/growing-number-overseas-healthcare-workers-dying-covid-19-keenly-felt-in-lead-up-world-health-day
6th April, 2020
College of Midwives Chief Executive, Alison Eddy and Christchurch community midwife, Violet Clapham, talk with Tvnz news journalist Alison Pugh about the work of midwives during the Coronavirus pandemic. https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/midwives-edge-say-lack-govt-support-ppe-creating-difficulties
2nd April, 2020
The NZ College of Midwives is looking at how to get protective gear – such as masks and gloves out to rural midwives. Jacqui Anderson, Midwifery Advisor for the College talks to Sudesh Kissun at…