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PPE Measures and Advice For Midwives Needs Urgent Review and Action

29th March, 2020

The New Zealand College of Midwives is calling on the Ministry of Health to urgently review its recommendations around the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for midwives.

Hospital Midwives Unconvinced About Risk From Asymptomatic Transmission

29th March, 2020

Ministry of Health guidelines released on Friday are causing considerable anxiety and stress for hospital midwives who feel they are putting themselves, the women they care for, and their families at unnecessary risk.

Message from MOH re: removal of the requirement for original copies of faxed prescriptions

27th March, 2020

The following message is from the Ministry of Health regards the removal of the requirement for original copies of faxed prescriptions: https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/pages/covid-19-new_rules_for_electronic_prescriptions-3apr20.pdf This temporary waiver recognises  faxed or e-faxed prescriptions not signed personally by a…

Business contribution will be paid as expected

27th March, 2020

The College has confirmed with the Ministry of Health that the Business Contribution payment due to be paid on the 31st March 2020 will be paid on that date as expected.

Acting CE Jacqui Anderson, speaking with Susie Ferguson on RNZs Morning Report today

26th March, 2020

Acting CE Jacqui Anderson, speaking with Susie Ferguson on RNZs Morning Report today LISTEN HERE

Acting CE, Jacqui Anderson, talks with RNZ Afternoons host Jesse Mulligan

25th March, 2020

Acting CE, Jacqui Anderson, talks with RNZ Afternoons host Jesse Mulligan LISTEN HERE

Planning midwifery care for ALERT LEVEL 4

24th March, 2020

COVID-19 risk reduction during midwifery care: 24 March 2020 (This information is subject to change according to Ministry of Health updates.) Planning midwifery care for ALERT LEVEL 4 Read full document here  

Media Release: 23 March 2020

23rd March, 2020

The New Zealand College of Midwives is in regular communication with the Ministry of Health and DHBs regarding advice to pregnant women in relation to COVID-19.

At this stage (3pm, 23 March 2020), this information is available on the College website

COVID-19 Update: 22 March 2020

22nd March, 2020

Tēnā koutou katoa, The Ministry of Health has now published guidance for community midwifery care on its website in its section on Resources for Health Professionals under the heading Maternity. The three documents for midwives…