
News & Events

Catherine Rietveld talks to Radio New Zealand

22nd April, 2020

College of Midwives Covid-19 Liaison, Canterbury Region – Catherine Rietveld talks to Radio New Zealand about the PPE midwives have had to buy, the additional work midwives are doing and the extra hours they are…

Media release: Midwives Baffled and Disappointed By Lack Of Govt Financial Support

21st April, 2020

The New Zealand College of Midwives has sent a strong message to the Government on behalf of community-based midwives.

Video message to politicians on behalf of Community Midwives

21st April, 2020

Click here to view video message to Politicians on behalf of Community Midwives

Media statement regarding updated MOH guidance on the use of PPE in maternity settings

8th April, 2020

“We are pleased to note that the document acknowledges that clinicians involved in care, can and will use appropriate clinical judgement on PPE required, and should have access to PPE for all births,” says Alison Eddy

April 7 2020 is World Health Day, a time global health services are under extreme stress

7th April, 2020

This year’s World Health Day falls on April 7 during a time global health services are under extreme stress due to the Covid-19 pandemic. https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/growing-number-overseas-healthcare-workers-dying-covid-19-keenly-felt-in-lead-up-world-health-day

Midwives on edge say lack of Govt support, PPE creating difficulties

6th April, 2020

College of Midwives Chief Executive, Alison Eddy and Christchurch community midwife, Violet Clapham, talk with Tvnz news journalist Alison Pugh about the work of  midwives during the Coronavirus pandemic. https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/midwives-edge-say-lack-govt-support-ppe-creating-difficulties

Message to pregnant women from midwives

2nd April, 2020

Click on the link below to view

Rural midwives call for more PPE gear

2nd April, 2020

The NZ College of Midwives is looking at how to get protective gear – such as masks and gloves out to rural midwives. Jacqui Anderson, Midwifery Advisor for the College talks to Sudesh Kissun at…

PPE Measures and Advice For Midwives Needs Urgent Review and Action

29th March, 2020

The New Zealand College of Midwives is calling on the Ministry of Health to urgently review its recommendations around the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for midwives.

Hospital Midwives Unconvinced About Risk From Asymptomatic Transmission

29th March, 2020

Ministry of Health guidelines released on Friday are causing considerable anxiety and stress for hospital midwives who feel they are putting themselves, the women they care for, and their families at unnecessary risk.

Message from MOH re: removal of the requirement for original copies of faxed prescriptions

27th March, 2020

The following message is from the Ministry of Health regards the removal of the requirement for original copies of faxed prescriptions: https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/pages/covid-19-new_rules_for_electronic_prescriptions-3apr20.pdf This temporary waiver recognises  faxed or e-faxed prescriptions not signed personally by a…

Business contribution will be paid as expected

27th March, 2020

The College has confirmed with the Ministry of Health that the Business Contribution payment due to be paid on the 31st March 2020 will be paid on that date as expected.