20th December, 2018
The HRiC have a new website – take a look here
6th December, 2018
Latest research demonstrates delayed cord clamping improves infant brain development. Effects of Delayed Cord Clamping on 4-Month Ferritin Levels, Brain Myelin Content, and Neurodevelopment: A Randomized Controlled Trial Objective: To evaluate whether placental transfusion…
3rd December, 2018
Why are you striking? MERAS midwives are striking because our MECA expired almost 18 months ago. In that time our union has tried to engage with the DHBs to negotiate the terms and conditions of…
3rd December, 2018
Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Midwives on Strike Anna Fielder – Mother of three. Midwives on Strike Need Our Support You may have heard that midwives in the MERAS union are taking…
3rd December, 2018
Dear members A member consultation is currently underway on the GAP programme and risk assessment algorithm. The College is keen to hear your feedback and views. Please log in and respond!
1st December, 2018
New Zealand College of Midwives Photo competition: The College is holding a photography competition seeking pictures that capture the concept of “Partnership in action in maternity care” It should include a midwife/midwives and a woman/family…
30th November, 2018
Statement from the NZ College of Midwives. To be attributed to Chief Executive, Karen Guilliland. The New Zealand College of Midwives is extremely disappointed in the actions of the Bay of Plenty DHB demanding more…
22nd November, 2018
22/11/18 The following can be attributed to Dr Lesley Dixon, Midwifery Advisor, NZ College of Midwives: “There is no doubt that Caesarean section is an important part of maternity and birth planning for women who…
22nd November, 2018
Jill Ovens, MERAS Co-Leader, talks to Radio New Zealand – see the written story here https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/376502/striking-midwives-promising-maximum-disruption