Home News & Events Media Release: 1 August 2024. College in High Court on Monday

Media Release: 1 August 2024. College in High Court on Monday

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Wednesday 1 August 2024

Long Anticipated Court Case To Get Underway in Wellington Next week
College of Midwives vs Attorney General

A group action against the Government will start in the High Court in Wellington on Monday August 5th.
The College is alleging breach of contract and discrimination, the latter under the Bill of Rights.
Alison Eddy, College Chief Executive, says taking a legal avenue was not an easy decision however midwives across the country felt they had no choice.
“We have been trying to get a resolution on these matters for almost a decade now without success and although the legal route is not our preference, it’s good to know we will finally have a decision,” she says.
The case is set down for six weeks and the attached backgrounder explains some of the issues and the chronology around those, over recent years.

Case orientation document