Home News & Events Member communication 27 August 2021

Member communication 27 August 2021

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Kia ora koutou members

College advisors will be checking the covid-19@nzcom.org.nz email address over the weekend for any urgent queries.

  1. College position on midwives Covid vaccination status. A number of members have been in touch seeking clarification about the College’s position on this. The College board will meet next week to discuss this issue and we will be communicating further with members about this when there is information to share.
  2. Updated Alert Level advice. The College has updated its Alert Level 3 & 4 advice for community midwives to clarify that women who have confirmed or probably Covid-19 or meet the High Index of Suspicion criteria and are in self-isolation, still need to be seen in person if they require an essential or urgent assessment. This includes late pregnancy assessments, early postnatal assessments and feeding support, or any urgent or acute problems. Depending on the clinical situation, the appropriate place might be in the DHB, especially if confirmed or probable Covid-19. If seeing women at home (for example asymptomatic women who are self-isolating due to being a contact), full PPE including an N95 mask is worn.